Management systems
Certificate of conformity of quality management system (QMS) is a document certifying that the certified management system of an enterprise meets the requirements established by the relevant standards.
The certificate is issued on a special form with the stamp of the issuing accredited body
All certificates issued by the certification body are subject to mandatory registration and are entered in the unified electronic register of issued certificates of conformity of MS the E-Cabinet system in accordance with the procedure established by the accreditation body.
Management system certification body
LLP “T-Standard” has been providing management system certification services since 2009.
During this period more than 500 ST RK ISO 9001 certificates, more than 300 ST RK ISO 14001 certificates and more than 200 ST RK ISO 45001 certificates were issued.
The body for confirming compliance of management systems of LLP “T-Standard” is accredited by LLP “National accreditation center” for the right to confirm compliance of quality management systems with the standard ST RK ISO 9001, environmental management systems of ST RK ISO 14001 and occupational safety and health management systems of ST RK ISO 45001.
Certificate of accreditation No. KZ.Q.02.0872 dated December 07, 2020 .
«Quality management systems – Requirements” is a national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan identical to the international standard ISO 9001.
«Environmental management system. Requirements with guidance for use” is a national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan identical to the international standard ISO 14001.
“Occupational health and safety management systems. Requirements with guidance for use” is a national standard of the Republic of Kazakhstan, identical to the international standard ISO 45001 (instead of ST RK OHSAS 18001).
- Assessment of the degree of compliance of management systems with the requirements of national standards of the Republic of Kazakhstan ST RK ISO 9001, ST RK ISO 14001, ST RK ISO 45001;
- Evaluating the effectiveness of management systems;
- Improving the competitiveness of products and services of Kazakhstani entrepreneurs, including the development and expansion of sales markets.
Certification of management systems is carried out in accordance with the current legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the requirements of standards, regulatory documents of certification system, and documented procedures.
ST RK ISO 9001 is compatible with the standards: ST RK ISO 14001, ST RK ISO 45001 and serves as the basis for building an integrated management system. Management system certification body LLP “T-Standard” offers services for certification of an integrated management system for compliance with several standards at once – this will optimize the costs of certification and get a comprehensive assessment of the management system.
The cost of certification of management systems depends on many factors, primarily on the size of the enterprise, its activities and the number of employees.
To determine the cost of certification of management systems and deadlines, send the completed application form to
Benefits of implementing management systems
Certification of quality management system according to ST RK ISO 9001 is the certification of the process of production of products or services and management of the company. The main advantages of implementing a quality management system are as follows:
- Improving the company's image and credibility;
- Increase customer satisfaction;
- Improving the interaction of business processes;
- Advantage in product certification;
- Employee involvement;
- Increase managers ' confidence in decision-making;
- Implement a culture of continuous improvement;
- Advantages in tenders and competitions.
- minimization of the risk of violation of environmental legislation;
- improve overall economic performance by reducing financial losses from ever-increasing environmental charges and penalties for environmental pollution;
- reducing the risk of accidents and financial costs for possible elimination of their consequences for the environment and compensation for damage;
- obtaining additional profit by improving the efficiency of environmental activities: more economical use of natural resources and raw materials, reducing emissions, recycling or additional processing of waste with the creation of a marketable product or additional energy resource;
- advantages in tenders and competitions;
- strengthening the company's public reputation and business reputation in the eyes of customers, partners, investors, shareholders, both domestic and foreign.
- reduce the number of occupational injuries through continuous monitoring and elimination of hazardous production factors;
- reducing the number of accidents and the cost of dealing with their consequences;
- reducing the cost of insurance and the amount of payments for the absence (illness) of employees;
- simplify obtaining the necessary permits (for example, licenses);
- improving the reputation in the eyes of customers, partners, investors, shareholders, other interested parties.
The standards ST RK ISO 9001, ST RK ISO 14001 and ST RK ISO 45001 are compatible with each other, ST RK ISO 9001 serves as the basis for building integrated management system.
LLP “T-Standard” offers services for certification of integrated management system for compliance with several standards at once – this will optimize the cost of certification and get a comprehensive assessment of the management system.
The process of certification of management systems includes an organizational stage, a two – stage primary certification audit, supervisory audits (inspection control) during the certificate’s validity period, and after a three-year certification cycle – recertification until the certificate expires.
To determine the possibility of carrying out work, the Customer must submit an Application for certification of the management system (s), as well as prepare a set of documents for subsequent submission to LLP “T-Standard”. If it is necessary to provide additional information, the Customer is obliged to submit the necessary documentation and information to LLP “T-Standard” within the agreed time frame.
LLP “T-Standard” after reviewing the application, makes a decision on it, sends the Customer a commercial offer and a draft contract “for certification work ” (hereinafter – the Contract) to agree on the terms of work; forms an audit Commission.
- Full analysis of submitted documentation;
- Sending a Notification to the customer about the results of review of the application for certification of management systems.
- The parties shall sign the Contract on carrying out of works on certification;
- Invoices are issued to the customer for payment in accordance with the terms of the Contract.
- Preliminary interaction with the Customer;
- Development of an audit plan and its approval;
- Preparation of working documents;
- Holding a preliminary meeting;
- Conducting an audit in accordance with the plan;
- Preparation of audit report;
- Holding the final meeting.
- Decision to issue (not issue) a certificate of conformity;
- Registration and issuance of a certificate of conformity;
- Granting permission to use the conformity mark (if this point is stipulated in the Contract).
- One month before the inspection control, the QMS Organ informs the customer about the upcoming inspection control, and specifies the terms and conditions of work:
- QMS Organ provides the Customer with an Invoice for payment in accordance with the terms of the previously concluded certification contract;
- Until the "on-site" inspection is carried out, the customer must fulfill its Financial obligations under the contract.
- Conducting routine inspection control "on-site”;
- Preparation of Act on the results of inspection control;
- Making a decision to confirm (or suspend/cancel) the validity of the certificate of conformity of the management system.
In case of refusal of the Customer from carrying out an inspection audit at the site or preventing the inspection of the audit (including the lack of payment established in the Contract within the stipulated period), or if it is not possible to determine the location of, or contact with the Complainant, Management system certification body LLP “T-Standard” is entitled to cancel the previously issued certificates of conformity, with the subsequent obligatory informing of the Authorized State bodies in the established order, as well as placing information on the official website of LLP “T-Standard”.
- consideration of the application;
- initial audit of the management system;
- on-site audit, covering the verification of:
- the effectiveness of the MS in its entirety in the light of internal and external changes, as well as continued compliance with the certification area;
- demonstrated commitments to maintain and improve the performance of the QMS;
- contribution of the certified MS to the implementation of the company policy and achievement of its goals.
two months before the expiration of the certificate of conformity, the Customer sends an application for recertification of the MS to the Management system certification body LLP “T-Standard”.
when identifying cases of non-compliance or absence of certificates of conformity during the recertification audit, the Management system certification body sets deadlines for performing corrections and corrective actions that are performed by the customer before the validity period (expiration) of the previously issued certificate (s) of conformity.
in the case the Customer performed the necessary corrective actions within the deadlines agreed with the Management system certification body or in the absence of inconsistencies (a positive result) during a recertification audit, Management system certification body makes a decision on possibility of registration of a new certificate of conformity in the prescribed manner, while maintaining the number of the previous certificate.
if the Customer fails to take corrective actions to eliminate the identified non-conformities during the on-site recertification audit within the time limits set by the Management system certification body, the previously issued certificates of conformity will cease to be valid and will not be subject to renewal.
- Application for certification
- Structural diagram of the Customer's organization indicating administrative and engineering services, main and auxiliary divisions;
- Information about the current management system (availability of a QMS manual, documented procedures, QMS policies, etc.);
- List of management system documents.
- Application for certification
- Permits (licenses, certificates for licensed activities);
- Structural diagram of the organization indicating administrative and engineering services, main and auxiliary divisions;
- List of management system documents:
- Quality policy MS;
- Documented targets in the field of quality MS;
- Interaction and sequence of MS processes;
- Scope of the MS (types of activities of the applicant).
- Documents required by the organization to ensure effective planning, implementation and management of processes in accordance with the current list of documents of the customer's MS.
- Records based on the results of internal audits;
- the certified MS of the customer constantly (repeatedly) or significantly fails to meet the certification requirements, including the requirements for the effectiveness of the MS;
- the certified customer does not allow or refuses to comply with the requirements for conducting an inspection, unscheduled or recertification audit with the required frequency.
- refusal of the customer from further cooperation with LLP "T-Standard";
- customer's refusal to carry out scheduled inspection control;
- refusal of the customer to conduct an unscheduled audit in the event of certain circumstances;
- failure of the customer to fulfill its financial obligations under the contracts within the established time frame;
- it is impossible to establish contact with the customer by contact information (by mail/phone/Fax or at a known location, during previous audits, etc.).
- the certified customer voluntarily makes a request to suspend the certificate.
Upon suspension, the customer’s management system certificate becomes temporarily invalid.
The decision to suspend the validity of the MS certificate of conformity is made by the head of the MS Organ, in his absence, the Deputy head of the MS Organ, or by authorized person by the order for the MS Organ who did not participate in the audit.
The decision is sent to the customer with a cover letter. In accordance with the contract for work on MS confirmation, when the MS certificate is suspended, the customer undertakes to stop referring to the MS certification.